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BRICS Intergovernmental Organization
BRICS Intergovernmental Organization
BRICS Intergovernmental Organization
BRICS is an interstate association comprised of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of India, the People’s Republic of China, and the Republic of South Africa. On 1 January 2024, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Ethiopia joined BRICS.
The first meeting in the BRIC format took place on 20 September 2006 on ...
5-я встреча Рабочей группы БРИКС по биотехнологиям и биомедицине, включая здоровье человека и нейронауки
... projects, initiatives for the development of agricultural biotechnology and healthy food technologies, and co-operation on the development of innovative medicines and vaccines.
A consortium of scientists from Russia, China, Brazil, South Africa, and India presented their programme of priorities for brain and neuroscience research for the next ten years. The Russian delegation presented joint research on mental health, and scientists from India spoke about their experience applying neurotechnology ...
Международная фотовыставка «Вселенная БРИКС»/BRICS Universe
... Kud-Sverchkov: cosmonaut pilot, Hero and 124th cosmonaut of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Yuri Gagarin Medal and the Badge of St. Sergius of Radonezh, and author of the book What Yuri Gagarin Could Teach Me.
The exhibition opened in Mumbai (India) at the National Centre for the Performing Arts on 11 September. In addition to the exhibition itself, the opening ceremony included the screening of a film about the achievements of modern Russian cosmonautics and an autograph session with Sergey ...
Cultural programme
Exhibition “The Beauty of the Quranic Word”
The exhibition features a gallery of artistically designed pages from Qurans from different regions of Russia, from Andalusia (Spain), North and Central Africa, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Central Asia, India and China. Visitors can trace the changes to the handwriting and design of the Quran from the end of the 7th century to the present day
Tour in Russian and English
Entrance for Summit participants is free upon presentation of their badge at the ...
Республика Индия
... — 7,6 млн чел.
Основные религии
— индуизм (79,8%), ислам (14,2%), христианство (2,3%), сикхизм (1,7%), около 2% — буддизм, джайнизм и другие.
Republic of India
Встреча министров промышленности стран БРИКС
... cooperation in the chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, the manufacturing of medical equipment, metallurgy, robotics, and other areas. They paid special attention to the creation of the BRICS Industrial Competence Centre based at UNIDO. Russia, China, and India have officially confirmed their readiness to issue the first tranches to finance joint work.
The Roscongress Foundation manages the events of Russia’s BRICS Chairship.
Meeting of BRICS Ministers of Industry
2-я Рабочая встреча по вопросам уполномоченных экономических операторов
... would significantly reduce administrative and logistical costs for those involved in foreign economic activities. At present, the Russian Federal Customs Service has signed three agreements on the mutual recognition of AEOs with BRICS countries (China, India, and Iran). Extending the programme to the entire association would considerably simplify international trade and increase the level of trust between its members.
The agreements reached as part of the Federal Customs Service’s customs track will ...
Гражданский форум БРИКС
... time,
a philosophical essay competition titled ‘Vision 2050 – BRICS People 2050 – How BRICS Will Change the World by 2050’
was held during the BRICS Civil Forum. The participants included more than 160 representatives of Russia, Brazil, China, India, South Africa, Spain, Uruguay, Turkmenistan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Roscongress Foundation manages the events of Russia’s BRICS Chairship.
BRICS Civil Forum