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BRICS Tuberculosis Research Network Holds 15th Meeting in Moscow

The BRICS Tuberculosis Research Network held its 15th meeting in Moscow on 23–25 April 2024 as part of Russia’s BRICS Chairship. The meeting was held as part of the All-Russian Research and Training Conference with International Participation ‘Tuberculosis and Socially Significant Infections: Challenges and Solutions in the Post-COVID Period’.

The meeting addressed key scientific research in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of tuberculosis, including multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, as well as other areas of cooperation that require more intensive research.

On 23 April, a plenary session was held jointly with the conference participants. The opening speech at the plenary session was delivered by Professor Irina Vasilyeva, the director of the National Medical Research Centre of Phthisiopulmonology and Infectious Diseases of the Russian Ministry of Health and president of the Russian Society of Phthisiologists.

Russian Deputy Minister of Health Sergey Glagolev delivered a welcoming address. Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, the WHO regional director for Europe, spoke on behalf of the WHO, and WHO Representative in the Russian Federation Batyr Berdyklychev also delivered welcoming remarks.

The participants discussed the development of phthisiopulmonological systems in BRICS countries and exchanged experience in combatting tuberculosis.

The second day (24 April) was devoted to an analysis of the work of the BRICS Research Network in 2023, the epidemic situation with tuberculosis in BRICS countries, and promising research in the field of phthisiology.

On the third day (25 April), the participants focused on the draft resolution of the 15th meeting of the BRICS Tuberculosis Research Network. They discussed the scientific focuses in research that BRICS countries can conduct jointly and agreed to coordinate the draft resolution with the national ministries of health.

The Roscongress Foundation manages the events of Russia’s BRICS Chairship.

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